Muting a Discord user on my Server

I am just getting into Discord.JS and wasn’t able to find any clues on how to server mute a specific user. I was looking over some documentation but still didn’t find an appropriate answer. I do know you can do this by setting roles, but that won’t work since the role on the user I will be muting using … Read more

Clickable link inside message

As the other answer explained, you can’t add hyperlinks in normal messages, but you can in Embeds. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to use an Embed for an error message, especially considering it adds more functionality, so you should consider using that. Feel free to mess around with the Embed & add some fields, a … Read more

How can a Discord bot create a hyperlink in a Discord message in an embed or in general?

Jakye is right. Only bots can achieve this (but not in field titles, beware). Just do [link text here](url here). This embed description results in: this in the embed. Clicking on it directs you to Using .addField(): If you want a bot’s message to just be a hyperlink, you need to make an embed, and only … Read more

How can a Discord bot create a hyperlink in a Discord message in an embed or in general? [closed]

Jakye is right. Only bots can achieve this (but not in field titles, beware). Just do [link text here](url here). This embed description results in: this in the embed. Clicking on it directs you to Using .addField(): If you want a bot’s message to just be a hyperlink, you need to make an embed, … Read more

Discord music bot not working

Ok, I have two solutions for you. This first one is a block of code I have used and I can say it works from experience. It requires ffmpeg, opusscript and ytdl: This second option which I would highly recommend is a node module that has many more advanced features that are hard to implement such as: musichelp [command]: … Read more