Adding support for Post Tags to a CPT added by a plugin

You can use the register_taxonomy_for_object_type() function to associate the default post tags taxonomy with your custom post type. Here’s an example code snippet that you can add to your Child Theme’s functions.php. Replace “your_custom_post_type” with the name of your custom post type. function associate_tags_with_cpt() { register_taxonomy_for_object_type(‘post_tag’, ‘your_custom_post_type’); } add_action(‘init’, ‘associate_tags_with_cpt’);

Get related posts matching most of the provided tags using WP_Query

There is no direct way of getting posts matching most of these tags using WP_Query. The usual documented methods: If you want posts matching any of these tags, you may use: $args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘post’, ‘tag_slug__in’ => array( ‘poetry’, ‘motivational’, ‘attitude’, ‘rules’, ‘lines’, ‘sigma’, ‘inspirations’ ) ); $query = new WP_Query( $args ); … Read more