How to import a csv-file into a data array?

Assuming the CSV file is delimited with commas, the simplest way using the csv module in Python 3 would probably be: You can specify other delimiters, such as tab characters, by specifying them when creating the csv.reader: For Python 2, use open(‘testfile.csv’, ‘rb’) to open the file.[

__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘user’

You can’t do because you have an __init__ method that does NOT take user as argument. You need something like Update But, as bruno has already said it, Django’s models.Model subclass’s initializer is best left alone, or should accept *args and **kwargs matching the model’s meta fields. So, following better principles, you should probably have something like Note – If you weren’t using temp as a keyword argument, e.g. LivingRoom(65), then … Read more

Does Python have an immutable list?

Yes. It’s called a tuple. So, instead of [1,2] which is a list and which can be mutated, (1,2) is a tuple and cannot. Further Information: A one-element tuple cannot be instantiated by writing (1), instead, you need to write (1,). This is because the interpreter has various other uses for parentheses. You can also do away with parentheses altogether: 1,2 is the same as (1,2) Note that a tuple is … Read more