294 Queries on Mainpage of WordPress

This query will get all the countries and counts in one query:

global $wpdb;
$countries_count = $wpdb->get_results( "
    SELECT meta_value AS country, COUNT(post_id) AS count
    FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} 
    WHERE  meta_key = 'tgt_job_country'
    GROUP BY country ORDER BY country" );
foreach ($countries_count as $country)
        echo "<li><a href="http://dsdjjhfgd.net/s=jobseeker&usertype=jobseeker&country=".$country->country."&search=Search">".$country->country."(".$country->count.")</a></li>";

Unless you need to get the country list first – this will just pull every value with that meta_key in the database…