There are probably a great number of ways to create such table. It is rather difficult to give an exact answer without knowing all the requirements and specifications. Here are some general level ideas that should get you started.
- First of all you’ll probably want to create a custom plugin to host all the relevant code.
- Assuming the tabular data comes from posts (default ‘post‘ post type or a custom one), use WP_Query to retrieve the data.
- To get the categories above the table you can either use get_categories() or get_terms() (if a custom taxonomy is used).
- Once you have the post data, loop the Loop and render the table markup – many ways to do it.
Within your loop you can, for example, use the following functions to retrieve the cell data from the post objects.
- Image – the_post_thumbnail()
- Title – the_title()
- Hyperlink – the_permalink()
- Created – the_date()
- Updated – the_modified_date()
- Views – get_post_meta() (if stored as post meta)
Finally, consider localizing the table and add a dash of css to make the table look fancy.
Happy coding!
P.s. If you were looking for a plugin recommendation instead of a code solution, please note that recommedations are considered off-topic here.