“Use as featured image” not working , “Set Featured Image” hangs. GoDaddy Issue [closed]

What the problem was:-

  • My wordpress installation is hosted on GoDaddy

  • GoDaddy was hacked a couple of weeks back.

  • Apparently godaddy has put some restirctions ( The reason why featured
    image feature was not working )


( Tested only on google chrome. )

  1. Please go to https://chrome.google.com/webstore and search for ”
    Edit this cookie “
  2. Click on Add to Chrome
  3. After adding this extension
  4. Open up the Add/Edit page of myexamplesite.com e.g:- a page ( any page with featured image feature)
  5. Open up edit this cookie icon which should be present on the right hand side just left of the wrench icon
  6. After opening Edit this cookie. You will see “wp-settings-1”. Please delete this.
  7. Now you can set the featured image

This has to be done every time while opening a new page ( Steps 5 to 7 )

Since this is a GoDaddy issue and all i am providing is just a
workaround. We will have to wait until GoDaddy eases their