The after_title
does not go through any transformations. In fact only the before_widget
However, a little lower you can see that $params = apply_filters( 'dynamic_sidebar_params', $params );
there’s a filter you can hook to do your own filtering.
add_filter( 'dynamic_sidebar_params', 'wpse_45418_change_after_title' );
function wpse_45418_change_after_title( $params ) {
$id = $params[0]['widget_id'];
if ( $id != 'mywidget' ) return $params;
global $wp_registered_widgets;
foreach ( (array) $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['classname'] as $cn ) {
if ( is_string($cn) )
$classname_ .= '_' . $cn;
elseif ( is_object($cn) )
$classname_ .= '_' . get_class($cn);
$params[0]['after_title'] = sprintf($params[0]['after_title'], $id, $classname );
return $params;
This is the general answer to why your IDs are not getting rendered. From this example, to generate your own unique IDs in the after_title
key, you would need to do something similar, but provide unique IDs, like so:
add_filter( 'dynamic_sidebar_params', 'wpse_45418_change_after_title' );
function wpse_45418_change_after_title( $params ) {
$id = $params[0]['widget_id'];
if ( $id != 'mywidget' ) return $params;
$url = esc_url( '' );
$uidcollapse = $id.'-unique-id';
$uidboxdiv = $id.'-another-unique-id';
// <a class="dropdown" style="float: right;" href="$s" data-toggle="collapse"><b class="toggleicon"></b></a></div><div id="#%2$s" class="collapse in"><div id="#%3$s" class="boxdiv">
$params[0]['after_title'] = sprintf($params[0]['after_title'], $url, $classname, $uidcollapes, $uidboxdiv );
return $params;