$_GET[‘updated’] does not work in WordPress 3.1?

This line is wrong, i couldn’t even get the theme options page up without changing it..

add_theme_page( "Satoshi Theme Options", "Theme Options", 8, __FILE__, 'theme_options_admin');

Update that to read something like..

add_theme_page( "Satoshi Theme Options", "Theme Options", 8, 'satoshi-theme-options', 'theme_options_admin');

Saving options did produce the updated message as expected.

UPDATE: Looks like the $_GET key has changed in 3.1 when performing settings updates.

Update the following line.

if ( $_GET['updated'] ) echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>Satoshi Options Saved.</p></div>';


if ( $_GET['settings-updated'] ) echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>Satoshi Options Saved.</p></div>';

And you’ll now see the updated message when saving.