add action for wordpress query at a specific position

Yes, absolutely, it is possible.

And here’s an example: Use an action and pass the post’s position in the loop to the action’s callback/function, and let the callback run the conditional and display the image if applicable.

$position = 1; // start at 1
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
    the_title( '<h3>', '</h3>' );

    // Show custom image, if any.
    do_action( 'my_loop_custom_image_at_position', $position );


Callback: (yes, the conditional could be done in the above loop, but based on your question, I think this is what you’re looking for?)

add_action( 'my_loop_custom_image_at_position', function( $position ){
    if ( $position > 2 ) {
        echo '<img src="" />';
    } else { // optional 'else'
        echo 'Position is less than 2. So we don\'t show custom image.';
} );

PS: In the callback, you can use get_post() to get the current post’s data.