Add Line Break/Remove Commas for Checkbox options sent via Email from Contact Form 7 [closed]

yes, this is possible using the CF7 'wpcf7_mail_tag_replaced' filter,

add_filter('wpcf7_mail_tag_replaced', 'format_chackbox',10,4);
function format_chackbox($replaced, $submitted, $is_html, $mail_tag){
  //you can check if this is the right field if need be.
  if('my-checkbox-field' != $mail_tag->field_name()) return $replaced;
  //$submitted contains the raw submitted data.
  //$replaced is the formatted data, you can use either.
  $a = explode(',', $replaced);
  //check if you have multiple values and the email accepts html (set with the use html checkbox in the mail notification settings).
  if(is_array($a) && $is_html){
    $replaced = '<ul>'.PHP_EOL;
    foreach($a as $v) $replaced .= '<li>'.trim($v).'</li>'.PHP_EOL;
    $replaced .= '</ul>'.PHP_EOL;
  return $replaced;

place this in your functions.php file