Adding an item to an anonymous array inside a filter?

I added the capabilities now through this code. I’m not happy with my solution and it would be great if someone could find a proper way to add to the filter. I would be honestly interested to know how to make it properly work.

add_action( 'admin_init', 'jp_add_atum_caps_to_shop_manager');
function jp_add_atum_caps_to_shop_manager() {
    if(!user_can( 217 , 'atum_read_inbound_stock')) {
        $capabilities = array(

                // Purchase price caps.

                // Inbound Stock caps.

                // Out Stock Threshold caps.

                // Settings caps.

                // ATUM menus caps.

                // Other caps.

        // Add the ATUM prefix to all the capabilities.
        $capabilities = preg_filter( '/^/', 'atum_' , $capabilities );

        $admin_role = get_role( 'shop_manager' );

        foreach ( $capabilities as $cap ) {
            $admin_role->add_cap( $cap );