Anonymous function is executed twice in wp_head while added from the_posts filter?

I can only assume that on the page there are either multiple queries or instances of this post, but eitherway it exposes a flaw in the logic, that you’re not checking if the style has already been added. Normally one would use wp_enqueue_script which would sort this out, but for whatever reason you may not be able to do that.

So, instead, you need to do that check first. I would reccomend the following:

global $we_found_shortcode;
$we_found_shortcode = false;

function load_shortcode_styles($posts){

      //function to check short codes here

      // if found

      $we_found_shortcode = true;

function header_check(){
    global $we_found_shortcode;
    if($we_found_shortcode == true){
        //regex to get id from shortcode(e.g [item id=""] )

        //get custom post meta from the id that has my custom css

        echo "\n<!-- my style -->\n<style>' . $custom_css . '</style>\n";


add_filter('the_posts', 'load_shortcode_styles' );
add_filter('wp_head', 'header_check' );