Apostrophe in permalink results in page not found

I guess your problem is that when using the apostrophe in the url, WordPress rewrite rules recognize the post name containing the apostrophe.

You can verify that using print_r( $wp_query->query );.

If my guess is correct, the ‘name’ query param contain %E2%80%99, so WP will look in the db for a post whose slug contains the encoded apostrophe, but (by default) post slugs before being saved are filtered with sanitize_title and so %E2%80%99 is stripped out and the post is not found.

You can force WP to save %E2%80%99 in the slug, but I’m afraid that will explode in your face first or later, because WordPress always expect a sanitized slug.

If mantaining the url is important, you can use a filter on 'parse_query' to sanitize_title the ‘name’ query var:

add_action( 'parse_query', function( WP_Query $query ) {
  if ( ( $name = $query->get('name') )  ) {
    $query->set( 'name', sanitize_title($name) );
} );

An then the url with apostrophe should work.