archive_template override when no posts exist

One way to accomplish this may be to use the pre_get_posts to conditionally add the single_template and archive_template filters.

namespace StackExchange\WordPress;

 * Add filters for `single_template`, and `archive_template` for the tutorial and 
 * dashboard archives.
function pre_get_posts( $query )
  if( is_singular() )
    $post_type = get_post_type();
    if ( 'tutorial' === $post_type  || 'dashboard' === $post_type) )
      add_filter( 'single_template', __NAMESPACE__ . '\react_template' );
      return $query;

  if ( ! is_post_type_archive( [ 'tutorial', 'dashboard' ] ) )
    return $query;
  if( ! isset( $query->query[ 'post_type' ] )
    return $query;

  $post_type = $query->query['post_type'];
  if ( 'tutorial' === $post_type  || 'dashboard' === $post_type) )
    add_filter( 'archive_template', __NAMESPACE__ . '\react_template' );
  return $query;
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', __NAMESPACE__ . '\pre_get_posts' );

 * Return the React Template, if it exists
function react_template( $template )
  if ( file_exists( PLUGIN_DIR . 'templates/learning.php' ) )
    return PLUGIN_DIR . 'templates/learning.php';
  return $template;