Array to modify post titles

Your example code could easily be converted to an array, like this:

Updated and improved code for your new example:

function manipulate_post_title( $title, $post_id ) {
    $title_array = array(
        '1153' => $title . '-suffix',
        '2' => 'prefix-' . $title,
        '3' => 'completely different title',

    if ( is_single() && isset( $title_array[ $post_id ] ) ) {
        $title = $title_array[ $post_id ];
    } else {
        // For debugging I set the title to "[123] Title" so I can find the post_id
        $title="[" . $post_id . '] ' . $title; 

    return $title;
add_filter( 'the_title', 'manipulate_post_title', 99, 2 );

Your code does not work because it has an infinite loop: You call the function “the_title()” inside the filter “the_title” (this will call the filter again and again until a memory error happens)

The code above works on my installation and will change the title as it is returned by the WordPress function “get_the_title()” or “the_title()”
In the Twentyfourteen theme it will change the title that is displayed inside the <h1> tag of the page, but not the <title> element that is displayed in the browser tab!

Example screenshot from my test-page