Auto activate plugin with unique user settings

I’ve answered a similar Question ( Inherit plugin settings to new site in Multisite ).

And, if understood correctly, “auto setup their unique preferences” would be a matter of adding/updating a custom plugin options array into wp_options table.

So, following the WP-Pagenavi example. After the plugin auto install/activate run something like:
(not tested)

function set_my_plugin_options(){
    $defaults = array(
        'pages_text'                    => 'Page %CURRENT_PAGE% of %TOTAL_PAGES%',
        'current_text'                  => '%PAGE_NUMBER%',
        'page_text'                     => '%PAGE_NUMBER%',
        'first_text'                    => '« First',
        'last_text'                     => 'Last »',
        'prev_text'                     => '«',
        'next_text'                     => '»',
        'dotleft_text'                  => '...',
        'dotright_text'                 => '...',
        'num_pages'                     => 5,
        'num_larger_page_numbers'       => 3,
        'larger_page_numbers_multiple'  => 10,
        'always_show'                   =>,
        'use_pagenavi_css'              => 1,
        'style'                         => 1
    update_option( 'pagenavi_options', $defaults );