Bulk add tag (or any sort of label) to posts who have custom excerpt

Some questions are easily solved searching this Stack and joining some answers together.

The following plugin will run the conversion code when activated. Adjust the $tags array, and don’t forget to backup your database before proceeding.

/* Plugin Name: Remove Excerpts, Add Tags */

register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'wpse_56133_add_tags_remove_excerpts' );    

function wpse_56133_add_tags_remove_excerpts() {
    $tags = array( 'YOUR TAG NAME A HERE', 'YOUR TAG NAME B HERE' );

    $args = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_status' => published );
    $posts = get_posts( $args );
    foreach ( $posts as $post )
        $po = array();
        $po = get_post( $post->ID,'ARRAY_A' );
        $po['post_excerpt'] = "";
        wp_update_post( $po );

        //set last value to false if you want to replace existing tags.
        wp_set_post_terms( intval( $post->ID ), $tags, 'post_tag', true ); 