call widget from within shortcode

The second parameter of this function (the_widget) is an array with some arguments that defines what are the variables of this instance of the Widget, when you are outside of a Sidebar “loop”, you have to pass those manually, instead of getting them from the database.

I’ve found the GitHub Repo for this plugin, and the arguments are in the link (AshleySheinwald/Simple-Twitter-Tweets/simple-twitter-tweets.php#L112-L138), and below:


//Set up some default widget settings.
$defaults = array(
      'title'               => __('Recent Tweets', 'pi-tweet')
    , 'name'                => __('iPlanetUK', 'pi-tweet')
    , 'numTweets'           => __(4, 'pi-tweet') // How many to display
    , 'cacheTime'           => __(5, 'pi-tweet') // Time in minutes between updates
    , 'consumerKey'         => __('xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'pi-tweet') // Consumer key
    , 'consumerSecret'      => __('xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'pi-tweet') // Consumer secret
    , 'accessToken'         => __('xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'pi-tweet') // Access token
    , 'accessTokenSecret'   => __('xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'pi-tweet') // Access token secret
    , 'exclude_replies'     => true
    , 'twitterFollow'       => false
    , 'dataShowCount'       => false
    , 'dataShowScreenName'  => false
    , 'dataLang'            => __('en', 'pi-tweet') // Language reference
    // Time
    , 'timeRef'             => false // false = use old full hour ref, true if selected will use hour ref as h (twitter style)
    , 'timeAgo'             => true // true = show ago, false will turn it off
    // Intents
    , 'twitterIntents'      => false // true = Default: show Twitter Intents
    , 'twitterIntentsText'  => false // false = Default: Show text - activate to turn off text display and use icons only
    , 'intentColor'         => "#999999" // Default colour, light grey
    // Avatar
    , 'showAvatar'          => false // Show the avatar ?
    , 'roundCorners'        => false // Do we want rounded corners
    , 'avatarSize'          => "" // what size should it be - defaults to 48px

Check what are the values which are needed for each of these settings and then the widget will be printed correctly.