You can use this plugin:
You can set up a new role and copy all allowed tasks to the new role. In adminimize you can then disable what you need to.
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- Redirect admin 403 “Cheatin uh?” admin pages
- WordPress user role with create user capability?
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- Hook into add_user_role and update based on new and removed roles
- How to Moderate Edits to User Profiles?
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- How to programatically change username (user_login)?
- What’s the difference between the capability remove_users and delete_users?
- alphabetically order role drop-down selection in dashboard
- How to hide media uploads by other users in the Media menu?
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- User Meta stuff
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- User Permissions on custom post type
- throttle/limit a logged in user’s http requests to specific page on a per day basis
- Limit roles displayed in users.php depending on custom role
- WordPress – Security Question at Login from User’s Meta Data
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