Can I roll back WP Install but keep my newer database?

To roll back your WordPress version you will need to download the version of WordPress you want to roll back to and also use FTP client.

Firstly, it is important to never copy over your ‘wp-content’ directory or the ‘wp-config.php’ file.

  1. Using your FTP client connect to your website server and locate the directory with your WordPress files (wp-admin, wp-content, etc.).
  2. Create a new directory labelled with the WP version you are downgrading from, for example ‘wp_4.6.1’.
  3. Using the FTP client move all WordPress directories and files (other than the ‘wp-content’ directory and the ‘wp-config.php’ file) in to the directory you just created. You can leave any other directories and files that are noth related to WordPress.
  4. On your computer, unzip the WordPress version you want to rollback to. Using your FTP client, (other than the ‘wp-content’ directory) upload all files you just extracted locally.
  5. Wait for all files to upload and then visit your WordPress admin. You should be prompted to update your WordPress database. Click on ‘Update WordPress Database’ and then click continue to login.

You should have rolled back your version of WordPress now.