Can’t change parent page

I was able to fix this problem only in phpMyAdmin.

Shortly: find the child page in the table ‘wp_posts’ and change the value of ‘post_parent’ to 0 (zero).

Step by step:

  1. Browse the table ‘wp_posts’, find the child page by title (post_title) or whatever else attribute. Be sure it isn’t a revision (check it in ‘post_status’ column).
  2. Click the pen in the beginning of this row to edit and find the ‘post_parent’ row, currently 6th from bottom. It must have the parent page ID in the cell. Change the value to 0 (zero).
  3. Before clicking the ‘Go’ button in the bottom, be sure ‘Save’ is selected in the drop-down menu in the left. It should be by default.

Hope this helps.

It is possible this bug is caused by WPML Multilingual CMS plugin.