Category List in Theme Options Page

This may be an HTML issue. For a multiple select, the name of needs to end in “[]”, to signify an array. So try changing:

<select name="<?php echo $themename_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" id="<?php echo $themename_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" multiple="multiple"  style="height:150px; min-width: 200px;">


<select name="<?php echo $themename_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>[]" id="<?php echo $themename_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" multiple="multiple"  style="height:150px; min-width: 200px;">

So you should end up with:

<select name="hurst_theme_options[hurst_content_bullet_cats][]" id="...