Change category display name function

So I wonder why don’t you just set the category title via the admin page, e.g. for the one having the slug alphabetical, you could set All Characters as a static title for the category?

That way, you wouldn’t need to hook on get_the_archive_title..

But anyway, here is one way of how can you reduce those (26) elseif into just one: (using regular expression)

add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', function ( $title ) {
    if ( is_category( 'alphabetical' ) ) {
        $title="All Characters";
    // If the slug starts with <letter>-alphabetical, we set the title to
    // "Characters Starting with <the LETTER in uppercase>".
    } elseif ( is_category() && preg_match( '/^([a-z])-alphabetical$/', get_queried_object()->slug, $m ) ) {
        $title="Characters Starting with " . strtoupper( $m[1] );

    return $title;
} );

So in the above code, I used preg_match(), and also get_queried_object() which returns the term object/data of the current category on a category archive page (e.g. one at