Change text string in a plugin

You are able to change texts using a translation file.

By default, plugin texts are in the English language. Even your site language is English, You are able to generate a new language file and change texts on it.

Imagine that the plugin folder name (plugin slug, plugin text domain) is my-plugin and Your site language is set to English (UK) in Admin Dashboard -> Settings -> General Settings -> Site Language.

So, Create a new translation using Poedit and set the translation language to English (UK). Then change texts as You want and save the translation file. You can use the pot file that comes with the plugin and most of the time it exists in the language folder.

It will give You two files named as en_GB.po and Rename files to my-plugin-en_GB.po and and move them to wp-content/languages/plugins folder. Refresh the site and texts should be changed.