Change Visibility to Private

You were pretty close. You just want to hook in at the right time when the comment is being saved. This is untested but should work.

add_action( 'comment_post', 'wpse_make_private_after_3_comments', 10, 2 );

function wpse_make_private_after_3_comments( $comment_ID, $comment_approved ) {
    $comment = get_comment( $comment_ID );
    $post_ID = $comment->comment_post_ID;
    $comments = wp_count_comments( $post_ID );

    // You could also access approved, moderated, spam or trashed comments
    // from the return object of wp_count_comments().

    $comment_count = $comments->total_comments;

    // If we only have 1 or 2 comments, we'll bail early
    if ( $comment_count < 3 ) {

    $post_data = array(
        'ID' => $post_ID,
        'post_status' => 'private'

    wp_update_post( $post_data );

    // You might want to add a wp_redirect() here to 
    // so people don't automatically see a 404 page 
    // when the comment saving is complete since the page will be private.