Change words on ‘Log in’ and ‘Register’ buttons on Woocommerce

You will need to add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file. If you haven’t already you should create a child theme, so you don’t lose your edits when the theme updates.

Update the Log In text

function custome_login_btn(){
    add_filter('gettext', 'custome_login_btn_text', 10, 2);

function custome_login_btn_text($translation, $text){
    if ('Log In' == $text) {
        return 'MY NEW TEXT';
    return $translation;

add_action( 'login_form', 'custome_login_btn' );

Update the Register text

function register_text( $translated ) {
    $translated = str_ireplace('Register',  'MY NEW TEXT',  $translated);
    return $translated;

add_filter(  'gettext',  'register_text'  );
add_filter(  'ngettext',  'register_text'  );

Obviously, change the “MY NEW TEXT” part in each function.

Both functions are tested and work.

Edit – For your particlular

function login_text( $translated ) {
    $translated = str_ireplace('Log In',  'MY NEW TEXT',  $translated);
    return $translated;

add_filter(  'gettext',  'login_text'  );
add_filter(  'ngettext',  'login_text'  );