changes to header.php not appearing

There may some caching on the Site. There may be different types of caches. make sure to check & flush them all.

  1. Clearing the Browser Cache
  2. Server-side Caching
  3. A WordPress Cache Plugin.

If nothing happens try following.

  1. Make a backup of the file you are working on and check that the backup is in a safe place.
  2. Make a big change (such as setting the background in your style.css as #ff0000 or even red).
  3. View the changed web page in your browser. Make sure you clear the cache, to be sure you have the new version.
  4. If nothing changes, delete the file (and only that file) from the server and try to view the file again. If nothing continues to change, you and WordPress are looking at completely different files. It’s time to get out your detective hat and start figuring out what is happening and where your files went.
  5. Check your URL settings in your options panel and also in the database. If this issue still continues to be unsolvable, make a post about it on the WordPress Forum, and let the experts step in to help.

Further more avoid working using such File Manager & File editor plugins.