changing background color depending on parent page

Using body_class(), by default, WordPress adds classes like parent-pageid-43 to it. This only goes one level deep, though.

The code below works for any ancestors of your parent pages, not just children. It relies on the is_page_or_ancestor plugin for that.

As kaiser said, body classes are the way to go. You can define the name of the classes for each template yourself by modifying the $parents array.

add_filter('body_class', 'my_body_class', 10, 2);

function my_body_class($wp_classes, $extra_classes)
    // List of parent pages with custom template
    $parents = array(
        // page ID => body class
        43 => 'template-a',
        57 => 'template-b',

    // Loop over each parent
    foreach ($parents as $page_id => $class)
        if (is_page_or_ancestor($page_id))
            // Add body class
            $wp_classes[] = $class;

    // Add the extra classes back untouched
    return array_merge($wp_classes, (array) $extra_classes);