Converting Array to String Issue [closed]

The problem here is that implode will take an array of strings, and join them together using a glue parameter, such as commas.

But by your own admission, $low_date is not an array of strings. It’s an array of objects! Objects are not strings. Here each row is an object, where you have only a single parameter because in your query you asked for a single named option.

So you have several generic PHP methods to get the date out:

  • You could loop over the rows, and add the dates to a second array which you then use in implode
  • You could walk over the array using something like array_map to replace each item in the array with the date, classic functional programming
  • You could loop over and echo each date and wrap it in a <time> tag ( as you should be doing for semantic reasons anyway ), then you could add the commas using CSS

However, since this is WPSE, and to keep this on-topic you need also have 2 other options:

  • Use wp_list_pluck to create a new array by plucking out just the date field
  • Ask get_results to return a numbered or associative array instead using the second parameter it accepts, as documented on the official developer hub