Create a new page for each form selection

I can’t comment yet, so I’ll tell you here what you can change immediately:

$countryinfo = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM wp_num_countries WHERE countryID = ".$country_id);


$countryinfo = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM wp_num_countries WHERE countryID = %d", $country_id));

because you directly use $_POST variable, so $wpdb->prepare will format and prepare your query string. But that code looks fine for me (you should only use indents as they are expected, because of easier reading 🙂 )

If I were you, I would make a page and put this code in it. For example, page-countries.php, and page with title Countries, slug ‘countries’. In that form put submit button and that’s it. Also, I would test for if(isset($_POST['country'])) instead of if($_POST['country']).