Custom comment-field form arrangement [closed]

Sure, you could use the comment_form_field_comment filter to inject content (extra fields or whatever) above the comment field:

function comment_form_field_comment_add_field( $field ) {
    $new_field = '<p class="comment-form-extra"><label for="extra">Extra Field</label> <input id="extra" name="extra" type="text" value="" size="30" aria-required="true" required="required"></p>';

    $field = $new_field . $field;

    return $field;
add_filter( 'comment_form_field_comment', 'comment_form_field_comment_add_field' );

You could also switch that around to put the new/extra field below the comment field:

$field = $field . $new_field;

Screenshot with twentyfourteen: