Deep linking to an accordion tab with Visual Composer

After having the same issue, I’ve come up with a basic solution – hopefully it’s not too late for you.

The Visual Composer “accordion plugin” seems to be a wrapper around the jQuery UI accordion; so the same methods are available. I’ve written some basic (room for improvement no doubt) code that checks if there is a hash on the end of the URL, and then match that up to an accordion panel (gets an index number for it), and then open it. It just requires you to add an ID to each of the accordion items in the CMS.

jQuery(window).load(function() {
    if(location.hash) {
        var panelRef = (window.location.hash.substring(1));  
            jQuery(".wpb_accordion_section").each(function(index) {
            if(jQuery(this).attr("id") == panelRef) {
                jQuery('.wpb_accordion_wrapper').accordion("option", "active", index);

You could modify it to use numbers instead of hard-coded IDs (remember the panels will be 0 indexed though).