delete_transient on click inside a widget form

I assume the widget and the “Refresh now” button are shown on the front-end, yes? One option to delete a transient is to use ajax to do it.

This is rather rough example, but I hope it gives you the idea what to do. You can read more about Ajax in WordPress from the codex.

// In your php file
add_action( 'wp_ajax_my_delete_transient_action', 'my_delete_transient_action' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_my_delete_transient_action', 'my_delete_transient_action' ); // for users that are not logged in

function my_delete_transient_action() {

    // Check nonce and other stuff here as needed
    // If and when everything is ok, then use the delete_transient function
    $deleted = delete_transient('my_user_specific_transient'); // returns bool

    // Option 1 to send custom text response back to front-end
    if ($deleted) {
        echo 'Transient deleted';
    } else {
        echo 'Transient deletion failed';

    // Option 2
    if ($deleted) {
        wp_send_json_success('Transient deleted');
    } else {
        wp_send_json_error('Transient deletion failed');


// In your js file
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        var data = {
            'action': 'my_delete_transient_action',

        // You can use wp_localize_script in php file to have admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) available in front-end, data, function(response) {
            alert('Got this from the server: ' + response); // do something with the response