Just check the current host:
add_filter( 'the_content', 'domain_dependent_content' );
function domain_dependent_content( $content )
// get_the_ID() will return the current post ID if you need
// more information about the current page.
if ( 'page' !== get_post_type() )
return $content;
if ( 'au.example.com' === $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] )
return "G'Day buddy!<br>$content";
if ( 'uk.example.com' === $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] )
return "How do you do?<br>$content";
if ( 'us.example.com' === $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] )
return "Hi!<br>$content";
return $content;
You could also create metaboxes for the extra content, so the client can edit it. Then you check if there is extra content for this post with get_post_meta()
, and if you found something, you change the content.
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