Display linked articles at the bottom of post (like related posts)

The way I would approach this would be to create a template part called related-posts.php or something of the sort. In it, I would go through every link in the post’s content and check to see if that url corresponds to another post (using the url_to_postid() function). I would then save all the non-zero id’s to an array and finally, I would run a secondary wp loop to display those posts the way you want to (ie. thumbnail + title). Something like this:

(This code was partially modified from this answer)

$cont = get_the_content();
$related_post_ids = array();

//Only proceed if there is content
if ( !empty( $cont ) ) {
    // Get page content
    $html = new DomDocument;
    libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9149180/domdocumentloadhtml-error
    $html->loadHTML( '<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $cont );
    $html->preserveWhiteSpace = false;

    // Loop through all content links
    foreach( $html->getElementsByTagName( 'a' ) as $link ) {

        // Get link href
        $link_url = $link->getAttribute( 'href' );

        //If link href is not empty
        if( !empty( $link_url ) ){
            //Try to find the post that is being linked
            $linked_postid = url_to_postid( $link_url );

            //If we find the post, add it to the related_post_ids array
            if($linked_postid != 0){
                array_push($related_post_ids, $linked_postid);

//If we found other posts linked in the content
if( count($related_post_ids) > 0 ){
    //Run a secondary loop to display the related posts
    $q_args = array( 
        'post_type' => 'any',
        'post_status' => 'publish'
        'posts_per_page' => 3 //Limit how many you show
        'post__in' => $related_post_ids, //Get only the posts we found
        'orderby' => 'post__in' //Order them in the same order as the links appear in the post's content

    $relposts_query = new WP_Query( $q_args ); 
    if ( $relposts_query->have_posts() ) : 
        // Start the Loop 
        while ( $relposts_query->have_posts() ) : $relposts_query->the_post(); 
            //Add your markup here, you may use the_post_thumbnail( ) for the featured image and the_title( ) for the article title
     * You may want to write some backup code here, what to display if the post in question
     * did not have any links to other posts.

I have not tested this code so it may have some errors I did not anticipate. However, it should be enough to guide you in the right direction.