Display shortcode in text field with wordpress settings api

Use a shortcode with parameters

function oosdfw_title_display($atts) {
    $a = shortcode_atts( array(
        'before' => 'Sorry, ',
        'after' => ' has sold out.',
    ), $atts );

    return $a['before'].get_the_title().$a['after'];

add_shortcode( 'oosd-title', 'oosdfw_title_display' );

Put shortcode in text field and modify before and after parameters to suit your requirements.

[oosd-title before="Sorry " after = " has sold out."]

There is no need to display the output of shortcode within text field


$options = get_option( 'oosdw_settings' );
echo do_shortcode( $options["oosdw_text_field_6"]);

I hope this helps