Dumping variable in custom pre_gets_post function in functions.php, returns NULL

It display NULL, because it doesn’t exist.

If you want to use global variables in another function than where you defined it, you have to re-declare that as global again. If you omit global keyword, it will be defined in that function scope, not in global scope.

In your functions.php use global keyword

add_action('pre_get_posts', 'page_sr2_pgp');

function page_sr2_pgp( $query )
    //uncomment this line
    global $variable;
    $variable ="something";
    logit( $variable, '$variable: '); 

    return $query;


In page-sr2.php, re-declare as global

<?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id="main">
                <?php logit( $wp_query, '$wp_query:' ); ?> /*Logit function from @brasofilo*/
                <?php global $variable; ?>
                <?php logit( $variable, '$variable: '); ?>