What does this mean?
Illegal static declaration in inner class Mobile.mymobile modifier 'static' is only allowed in constant variable declarations Line 75, public static void main(String[] args) {
My code:
/** * to write a simple java class Mobile that models a mobile phone. * * @author (jamal) * @version (14/10/13) */ public class Mobile { // type of phone private String phonetype; // size of screen in inches private int screensize; // menory card capacity private int memorycardcapacity; // name of present service provider private String serviceprovider; // type of contract with service provider private int typeofcontract; // camera resolution in megapixels private int cameraresolution; // the percentage of charge left on the phone private int checkcharge; // wether the phone has GPS or not private String GPS; // instance variables - replace the example below with your own private int x; // The constructor method public Mobile(String mobilephonetype, int mobilescreensize, int mobilememorycardcapacity,int mobilecameraresolution, String mobileGPS, String newserviceprovider) { this.phonetype = mobilephonetype; this.screensize = mobilescreensize;