Filter Media by Featured on Admin

We can add the Featured option as a fake mime-type with:

add_filter( 'media_view_settings', function( $settings )
    $settings['mimeTypes']['wpsefeaturedimage'] = 'Featured';
    return $settings;

It will show up like this:

Featured option

Then we can use the posts_where filter and check for our fake mime type:

 * Filter for featured images in the media library popup
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function( \WP_Query $q )
    if( 'wpsefeaturedimage' === $q->get( 'post_mime_type' ) )
        // Remove the fake mime type
        $q->set( 'post_mime_type', '' );
        // Mark this query as featured filtered
        $q->set( 'wpse_filter_featured', true );

        add_filter( 'posts_where', function ( $where, \WP_Query $q )
            if( $q->get( 'wpse_filter_featured' ) )
                global $wpdb;
                // Add 'featured images' restriction to the SQL query
                $where .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID IN 
                    ( SELECT DISTINCT m.meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} m 
                      WHERE m.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id' 
                    ) ";
            return $where;
        }, 10, 2 );
}, 1 );

We can probably adjust this further.