force category table refresh when adding new category

actually I managed to solve this differently (and more elegantly).

However, even this new approach had me banging my head against the wall for way too many hours as my option table didn’t get updated properly, when doing a bulk delete of more than one category.
Turns out I made two – glaring mistakes .

a) i wrapped a function i needed in when updating the option table ajax into

if(!defined('DOING_AJAX') || !DOING_AJAX){

which didnt help (DOH)

b)I also managed to include the function that validates update_option() with require_once() instead of just require() so when using update_option() in a loop , it just gave up.

Oh well, maybe someone reads this who’s done the same due to lack of sleep/coffee….

Anyway, thanks for trying to help. Next time I’ll include code to start off with…
