Function call via ajax – can’t figure it out?

You need the url to the admin ajax script. You can go ahead and cheat and just use “/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php” as the url, it will try to locate it at the base of your domain.

However a much better method is to print the ajax url out as javascript variable in the header and then reference it in your script like so:

header.php (above the file the needs the ajaxurl):

    var ajaxurl = "<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php', 'relative' );?>";

ajax script:

    type: 'GET',
    url: ajaxurl,

That will have your ajax calls pointing at the right place.

To send additional data with the ajax for your php function to you should include it in the data object of the jQuery ajax method. This is the same place you’ve already declared the name of your php function.

For example:

    action: 'your_ajax_function',
    var1: 'some string',
    var2: 23,
    var3: 'another string'

Then within the php function the ajax is calling, you can retrieve them like so:

var1 = $_GET ['var1']; // some string
var2 = $_GET ['var2']; // 23

If you were using post as the ajax type instead of get, then you’d access them using the $_POST variable instead of the $_GET one.