Get all post IDs from current WP_Query – not just currently visible

Slightly old post I know but I just hit this exact issue myself.

Given a main_query find all the post IDs for it not limited by pagination.

I have made this function to return all terms for the main wp_query.

 * Get terms for a given wp_query no paging
 * */
function get_terms_for_current_posts($tax='post_tag',$the_wp_query=false){
    global $wp_query;
    // Use global WP_Query but option to override
    $q = $wp_query;
        $q = $the_wp_query;

    $q->query_vars['posts_per_page'] = 200;// setting -1 does not seem to work here?
    $q->query_vars['fields'] = 'ids';// I only want the post IDs
    $the_query = new WP_Query($q->query_vars);// get the posts
    // $the_query->posts is an array of all found post IDs
    // get all terms for the given array of post IDs
    $y = wp_get_object_terms( $the_query->posts, $tax );
    return $y;// array of term objects

Hope this helps you or someone else stumbling across this.