Get current_parent_category in a loop or Cat ancestor- big problem

You could use get_ancestors(). You can transform this:

<a href="#" class="<?php $category = get_category($cat);
echo $category->category_nicename;?>"><?php single_cat_title('') ?></a> 

Into this (I don’t know what $cat is as you have not shown it in your question, I assume it is a category ID, if not, you have to provide category ID):


$cat_ancestors = get_ancestors( $cat, 'category' );
$top_parent = get_category( end( $cat_ancestors ) );


<a href="#" class="<?php esc_attr_e( $top_parent->slug );?>"><?php echo $top_parent->name; ?></a> 

To make the code works also if the category is already the top parent category, you need to check the value returned by get_ancestors. For example:


$cat_ancestors = get_ancestors( $cat, 'category' );

if( !empty($cat_ancestors) ) {

    $cat = get_category( end( $cat_ancestors ) );

} else {

    $cat = get_category( $cat );



<a href="#" class="<?php esc_attr_e( $cat->slug );?>"><?php echo $cat->name; ?></a>