Get Post Title from different post type based on current loops post_parent using

and somehow return that….maybe as post meta?

I don’t understand that 🤔, but you can use get_post_meta() to retrieve a post meta.

I need to get the post parent and look up that specific post and get the title and ID

As for the ID, that would be the post parent itself, but correct me if I’m wrong or that you meant something else?

As for getting the current post’s parent and the parent post’s title (and other data), you can use get_post_field() and get_post(), like so:

// Get the parent post ID.
$post_parent = get_post_field( 'post_parent' );
// Alternatively, you could add global $post; at the top in your code and just
// use $post->post_parent in your loop.

// Get the parent post object.
$parent_post = get_post( $post_parent );

// And display the parent post's title..
echo $parent_post->post_title;
// .. or use echo get_the_title( $parent_post )