get the value for ALT is we check to see if an actual ALT value is set, if not we use the caption and if no caption is set we use the title

Not sure if this’ll work for you because I don’t know if $attachment_ID in the function is returning anything at all… …but assuming it is:

function custom_pic_alt( $attachment_ID ) {
    //var_dump( $attachment_ID ); //uncomment this and see if it even returns anything.
    $thumb_alt      = get_post_meta( $attachment_ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
    $thumb_caption  = wp_get_attachment_caption( $attachment_ID );
    $thumb_title    = get_the_title( $attachment_ID );

    if( !empty( $thumb_alt ) ) :
        $alt_text = $thumb_alt;
    elseif( empty( $thumb_alt) && !empty( $thumb_caption ) ) :
        $alt_text = $thumb_caption;
    elseif( empty( $thumb_alt ) && empty( $thumb_caption ) && !empty( $thumb_title ) ) :
        $alt_text = $thumb_title;
    else : 
    // Return ALT
    return esc_attr( trim( strip_tags( $alt_text ) ) );

You just get all three values and then run conditional checks to see if they’re empty or not.