get_results not returning anything

$wpdb->get_results() returns an array on success, so you can’t simply echo $result;.

Instead, you can use foreach to loop through the results and display whatever the data that you want to display:

$results = $wpdb->get_results( $q );
foreach ( $results as $row ) {
    echo $row->meta_value . '<br />';

But I can see that you’re trying to select just one row, so you’d want to use $wpdb->get_row() and not $wpdb->get_results():

$row = $wpdb->get_row( $q );
if ( $row ) {
    echo $row->meta_value;

But then again — because wp_usermeta is the default table for WordPress users’ meta, if you just want to retrieve the meta value, then there’s a function you can (and should better) use — get_user_meta():

echo get_user_meta( 771, 'nickname', true );