Gravity Forms – RMA Count

One way to achieve that is to use the gform_pre_render hook.

I once did something similiar to this on a real site.

add_action( 'gform_pre_render', 'show_content_before_fields' );

function show_content_before_fields( $form ) {
 $custom_field = new GF_Field_HTML(); // temporary field object to hold our custom html
 $custom_field->id = 0; // maybe unnecessary, can't remember if really needed
 $custom_filed->visibility = 'visible'; // maybe unnecessary, can't remember if really needed
 $custom_field->content .= '<h3>RMA' . $form['id'] . '</h3>'; // The actual custom html content
 array_unshift( $form['fields'], $custom_field ); // Adds the custom field before the fields added in the form editor

 return $form; // give the form back to Gravity Forms and let it continue it's doings

This code just adds arbitrary html code to the top of the fields list. The html doesn’t (shouldn’t) show up in the event entries / email notifications.

You should be able to toss this into your theme’s functions.php or into a site-specific plugin.