Hiding a php element from mobile browsers

This is more of a php question than a WP question, but there’s a great function here that does what you’re looking for.

function is_mobile() {
    // Get the user agent
    $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    // Create an array of known mobile user agents
    // This list is from the 21 October 2010 WURFL File.
    // Most mobile devices send a pretty standard string that can be covered by
    // one of these.  I believe I have found all the agents (as of the date above)
    // that do not and have included them below.  If you use this function, you 
    // should periodically check your list against the WURFL file, available at:
    // http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/
    $mobile_agents = Array(
         // List of mobile agents
    // Pre-set $is_mobile to false.
    $is_mobile = false;
    // Cycle through the list in $mobile_agents to see if any of them
    // appear in $user_agent.
    foreach ($mobile_agents as $device) {
        // Check each element in $mobile_agents to see if it appears in
        // $user_agent.  If it does, set $is_mobile to true.
        if (stristr($user_agent, $device)) {
            $is_mobile = true;
            // break out of the foreach, we don't need to test
            // any more once we get a true value.
    return $is_mobile;

You can then call the function to wrap whatever you want like this:

if (is_mobile()) {
    // Place code you wish to execute if browser is mobile here

else {
    // Place code you wish to execute if browser is NOT mobile here