How Can I Change Default Reply ToEmail

Depending on your setup and other specifics to your use case, you may want to clear any previous reply addresses. You can do this with $phpMailer->ClearReplyTos(). For example:

add_action ('phpmailer_init', 'my_phpmailer_example');
function my_phpmailer_example ($phpmailer) {
    $phpmailer->addReplyTo('[email protected]', 'EXAMPLE');

Also, if your example code in your question is exactly what you’re using, you need to be careful of a few things:

  1. Make sure your variables are right. For example, the argument in your function is $ phpmailer <-note the space If you have it like that, that could be the source of your problem. Fix the space (i.e. $phpmailer)
  2. The line for your $phpmailer->AddReplyTo() is commented out. Is that intentional? With the comment (“//”), that line will not doing anything.