How can I either move the nav bar down or create more space for the header? Theme – Ajaira

It looks like the background image was added to the tag inline. You will need to change the following:

Locate your template file (probably header.php) which has the tag Inside style=”” remove background-size: cover and replace it with background-size:auto 100% then add background-position: center

This will let the background image stretch to the height of the element and adjust it’s width automatically, and then it will center the image.

You can achieve the same thing by editing the style.css file, and adding the above to but you will need to use the !important tag if you want it to override the inline styles. Something like:{
    background-size:auto 100% !important;
    background-position: center

I modified your page in the browser. Here’s the result:

enter image description here